With Zola Rose
Sunday, 24th November, 4pm to 6pm
At Riverside Centre (Rangimarie Hall)
Register here
This "Cooperative Living" event series is for those interested in any form of cooperative living, such as a tiny home village, ecovillage, co-living, co-housing, papakāinga, agrivillage, etc. This series started with presenting an unknown Tasman District Council policy called Cooperative Living**, which allows 3+ dwellings on rural land if owned/used cooperatively. We are expanding on this foundation to explore the other aspects of cooperative living. We offer this content in the hopes this will give more knowledge, skills, clarity, security, connections, and affordability considerations to the process of setting up a cooperative living arrangement in the Top of the South.
Part 1: Presentation on successful and affordable rural housing models--to be inspired of what's possible.
Zola researches this topic extensively and recently worked in Australia where she experienced and met leaders of these models first-hand. She will be sharing about how these housing models came about, what makes them successful, what can make them affordable, and options of what can be emulated in our local area.
Part 2: Structured Networking: We will offer some activities to get people connected in meaningful ways. We are particularly interested in connecting people who have land/property that they might want to make available for some form of land-share for housing with others who are seeking land or others to partner with.
Plant-based nibbles and refreshments will be served. Your ticket price covers food, venue, koha for the presenter and facilitation. We greatly appreciate your participation and support. Register in advance so we have the correct numbers for catering.
The event is hosted by the Cooperative Living Steering Group and facilitated by Zola Rose of Common Ground who is a community development and community engagement practitioner living at Riverside Community in the Tasman District.
Visit www.commonground.net.nz to get resources, sign up for the newsletter, download the strategy document, and more.
**(Plan Change 60) of the Tasman Resource Management Plan allows for 3+ dwellings on rural land as long as there is cooperative ownership or use of land and buildings. It also circumvents the need for a subdivision. You can find the information document on this Cooperative Living prepared by TDC here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qvYPhOH-kc3nfjRhkXNNYai8FUpf-WIs/view
Zola has recently launched the educational and inspirational show Homefullness: Change-making conversations on housing for people and planet to enable more affordable, connected, and sustainable places to live, found on podcast platforms, YouTube, and other social media. Learn about the show here: https://www.commonground.net.nz/show
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the post above are those of the facilitator/event organiser and do not necessarily reflect Riverside Community Trust Board's official position and policy. Please contact the facilitator directly for all questions regarding this post's content
