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Child on the Move - Introductory Session

With Edith Bulle

Organised by Riverside Education

Friday, 2nd February, 6.30pm to 7.30pm

$10 per participants. Sponsorships available. Bookings essential.

Book Now Bookings close Wednesday, 31st January, 2pm

At Riverside Centre

Learn about child development, infant reflexes, and their impact on learning in school for children aged 4-6. This introductory session will provide the theoretical background and set the foundation for practical play sessions that will take place throughout term 1. The play sessions will focus on traditional games specifically chosen to support and enhance sensory-motor development. It's important to note that attendance at the introductory session is not required for participation in the play sessions, and vice versa.

The introductory session will be held at the Riverside Centre and requires a booking. The cost is $10 per person, and bookings must be made by Wednesday, January 31st at 2pm. This session is valuable on its own but also precedes the practical sessions held in the Riverside Café throughout the term. These practical sessions can be registered for separately and do not require attendance at the seminar.

The practical play sessions will be held on specific dates, including Saturdays 3.2., 17.2., 16.3., 30.3., and Friday 12.4., all from 2.30pm to 3.30pm. These sessions are open to guardians of pre-school children and their children and will take place in the Riverside Cafe Garden. The cost is $15 per adult/child pair per session, and payment should be made in cash on the day. No registration is required for these sessions.

Edith Bulle, an experienced remedial Steiner class teacher, learning support co-ordinator, and teacher trainer, will be leading the sessions. She has a background in Disability and Inclusion Studies, as well as a Master of Arts in Teaching. Edith is trained in various intervention methods, including Educational Kinesiology, Extra Lesson, and Infant Reflex Integration. She is excited to share her expertise and have fun with your kids during these sessions.

Bookings close Wednesday, 31st January, 2pm. Bookings essential. Book Now

This workshop is proudly sponsored by the Riverside Community Trust. Please contact Tanja (at education@riverside.org.nz) for workshop questions or to ask about sponsorship options.

Child on the Move


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