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Pregnancy Yoga Course

6 week course with qualified Baby Bliss Yoga Instructor Jo Wilcox

Thursdays, 9.30am - 10.45am,

New course starts 15th August 2024

Course Fee: $102*

Suitable for women from 12 weeks to 38 weeks pregnant.

At Riverside Centre (Kotahitanga Room)

Bookings essential as spaces are limited to 8 beautiful mama's to be.

Contact Jo for more info: breatheyogaNZ@gmail.com or via Facebook

These are gentle pregnancy yoga classes where you will learn safe yoga sequences.

You will be guided through meditations to help you connect with yourself and your baby and experience deep relaxation through Restorative Yoga poses.

You will also meet, connect and share with other pregnant women.


From these classes you can bring into the labour room some effective tools that include; breath awareness, labour positions and the mental perspective that provides calm confidence and an acceptance of the often unpredictable process of birth.

There are many benefits of yoga for pregnancy and birth;

- Promotes relaxation and stress management

- Improves general fitness and health for pregnancy and birth

- Promotes emotional well-being

- Yoga increases strength, flexibility and agility

- Deep toning of birth muscles

- Improves overall circulation

- Can reduce and alleviate back problems common in pregnancy

- Improves posture

- Alleviates common aches and pains in pregnancy

- Improves balance and coordination

- Helps you birth consciously and powerfully

- Yoga can empower You!

These classes will be guided by qualified Baby Bliss Yoga Instructor Jo Wilcox.

* once the course has begun it is non-refundable but a credit may be given towards other Breathe Yoga classes and courses*

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this post's content are those of the facilitator/event organiser and do not necessarily reflect Riverside Community Trust Board's official position and policy. Please contact the facilitator directly for all questions regarding this post's content.

Pregnancy Yoga at Riverside Community NZ

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