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'Take A Stand For Your Life'

Open Floor & Possibility Management Collaboration

Saturday, 26th October, 10am -5pm (Workshop)

Saturday, 26th October, 7pm - 9pm (Dancing in the Dark)

At Riverside Centre (Rangimarie Hall)

$90 per person

'Do you have trouble to say no? Or yes? To make clear boundaries in your life? To communicate clearly? To be present? This workshop is for people who are committed to discovering their essence, For those wanting to step up and take responsible action in their lives. This is a collaboration between Open Floor movement practice and Possibility Management modalities. Creative soundscapes will help us to activate our physical bodies to embrace the pure energy of feelings. Be supported to identify your inner resources in order to navigate and use them more effectively. What you have got is what you have created. And because you created it you can change it! Empower yourself with the force of clarity. Take a stand for your life! Sybille is a dedicated edge-worker and movement lover, passionate about the power of group work. She weaves her skills into Open Floor movement workshops and retreats to create transformational medicine, helping people to grow physically and emotionally within a community. Ana is an explorer burning to understand how it works to be a human being and how relationship can succeed. Her passion is to accompany couples in their courageous journey for fulfilment and create spaces for individuals for the development of their own self-expression. Psychotherapist and Possibility Trainer. What is Ecstatic dance? Ecstatic Dance empowers people of all shapes, sizes, and backgrounds to freely express themselves. It is a form of dance in which the dancers, abandon themselves to the rhythm and move freely, a free-form movement in a judgment- free space. The liberating atmosphere creates a melting pot of acceptance and the fearlessness with which others move gives everyone permission and courage to dance without inhibition.'

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this post's content are those of the facilitator/event organiser and do not necessarily reflect Riverside Community Trust Board's official position and policy. Please contact the facilitator directly for all questions regarding this post's content.

Open Floor and Posibility Management

Open Floor and Posibility Management

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