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'Sunday Gospel' Choir

Everyone Welcome!!!

(Usually) Every 1st & 3rd Sunday of each month (ongoing), 1pm to 3pm (school term only)

$5 per session

Just come along OR contact Barbie Cole: colebarbie1@gmail.com

At the Centre (Rangimarie Hall)

‘Sunday Gospel’ Community Choir loves to sing gospel songs – African/American and related styles.

Barbie Cole leads the choir – she was initially inspired to begin a Gospel choir by New Zealand’s Tony Backhouse. Tony has been called ‘the godfather of a-cappella and gospel choir’; he leads national and international workshops spreading this unique genre worldwide. Barbie is a Riverside Community member and co-leads the world music choir ‘Inakord’.

‘Sunday Gospel’ is a community choir, and everyone is welcome. We sing informal acapella style in 4-part harmony. We are an open-access group; auditions are not required. The songs are taught aurally, so being able to read music is not necessary.

We do occasional performances and belong to the ‘Top of the South’ Community Choirs Organisation which includes eight choirs from Nelson, Golden Bay and Greymouth. This group of 8 choirs come together once a year for either a ‘Gathering’ or a Combined Choirs public performance.

We meet for fun, friendship, and the joy of experiencing the gospel sound…. a cup of tea and a chat 😊. Our singers come from around the Motueka area and Nelson.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this post's content are those of the facilitator/event organiser and do not necessarily reflect Riverside Community Trust Board's official position and policy. Please contact the facilitator directly for all questions regarding this post's content.

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