How safe is our Riverside Milk?
Did you know that we adhere to the highest HYGIENE and SAFETY standards for our Riverside Milk? Allied to the total adoption of milk...
'RehearSING for Heaven' A Capella Workshop
With Tony Backhouse, international singer & choir director Friday, 7th April, 7pm-9pm, Saturday & Sunday, 8th April & 9th April, 10am-3pm...
'Curing The Incurable'
A one hour talk with Christian Science practitioner & teacher Maryl Walters from Missouri, USA. Saturday, 25th March 1.30pm - 2.30pm At...
Make a Wind Chime!
With Miri from Berlin Saturday, 25th of March, 2pm - 5pm at the Riverside Joinery Suitable for children from 8 yrs, with parent support...
Yoga for Kids & Teens
Term 1 starts Thursday, 9th March 6 week block, every Thursday At Riverside Centre (Main Hall) Term 2 starts Thursday, 11th May 8 week...
Yoga is not just for Flexible People!
Beyond Asana: The Eight Limbs of Yoga Wednesday, 1st March, 7:30pm – 8:30pm At Riverside Centre (in Meeting Room) Kid’s Yoga Saturday,...
Eftpose Anyone?
Anybody you know starting up a business in New Zealand??? We find ourselves in a bit of a pickle (not as bad as being stuck on a...