West Coast Tasman Green Party Election Campaign Launch
Green Party Candidate for West Coast - Tasman Electorate Kate Fulton invites you to celebrate the launch of the local West Coast Tasman...
No Community Lunch on 28th June
Sorry! There won't be Community Lunch on Wednesday, 28th June as the Riverside Community Centre is booked for a private event that day.
The Story of the Centre
What is now one of Riverside Community's most frequently used spaces and home to a variety of classes, workshops and special events,...
Dumplings: The Secret of the Wrappers Exposed!
Cooking Workshop with Beth Saturday, 1st July, 11am-1.30pm At Riverside Community Centre (Kitchen) Participation by Koha ($8 materials...
'The Bright Path' Meditation Course
With Anna Robertson From Friday, 30th June to Sunday, 2nd July Friday, 30th June, 7pm - 9pm Saturday,1st July, 10am - 4pm Sunday, 2nd...
'A Mindful Choice'
Movie Screening Friday, 23rd June, 7pm $5 Door Sales Visit www.choicethefilm.com to view trailer. Meditation Course to follow; Fri July...
Movement & Mime Masterclass
With Fergus Aitken Saturday, 3rd June, 11am - 2pm At Riverside Centre (Main Hall) Booking essential: info@fergusaitken.com