Waxing Moon Heart Dance Meditation & Cacao Ceremony
Take time out of your schedule to dance, celebrate & release with the Waxing Moon Dance Meditation & Cacao Ceremony
“a gREAT rAW”
With Andy Dolling Sunday 16th May, 7pm to 8pm R16 Koha appreciated At Riverside Centre (Rangimarie Hall) Come to celebrate the...
Plant Food Medicine
John Massey will guide you through an exploration of the wild and cultivated weeds and herbs at Riverside community.
Indian Cooking Workshop
Organised by Riverside Education With Mixed Roots' Kalpana Friday, May 14, 6pm - 8pm $45 per person. Bookings essential:...
Centre Sponsorship
We excited to announce that charitable, not-for-profit groups can now make use of the Riverside Centre free of charge.
Ki-o-rahi – A traditional Maori Game
Join us to hear the mythical story about the origins of Kīorahi and then out on the field as we re-enact elements of the legend through game
Pretzel Workshop For Kids (April 2021)
Kids will make a yummy big pretzel each - and eat it of course!