‘Music Moves' Classes for Kids
Movement-centred music classes engaging the body, voice, ear, senses, emotions, imagination and intellect.
Mother & Baby Yoga
A baby centred environment for you to share the joys of yoga with your baby and connect with other like-minded mums.
From The Heart - Live Music
An evening of heartfelt music not to be missed.
Women’s Rage Day
Experience the power and clarity of your anger when it is not suppressed, bottled up or has come out sideways.
Floral Art - Kids Workshop (8 years+)
“Flower pounding” or “floral hammering” is a straightforward approach to eco-art that even relatively young kids can master.
Hard Cheese Making Workshop (November 2022)
Learn how to make a hard cheese that will be ready to eat in time for Christmas.
Crystal Sound Bath
Katyayani guides you through a deep relaxation & chakra meditation sound bath in shavasana