Kotahitanga - Meeting Room
From $18/hour
For all Centre Hire Costs, click HERE
The Kotahitanga, or Meeting Room, sits 30 people comfortably. Its octagonal design enhances the meeting process and its atmosphere of intimacy and warmth will ensure that your workshop or meeting is both enjoyable and inspirational.
The space is popular with groups for home birth meetings, music and drama classes, workshops, weekly community meetings and small corporate gatherings.
There is a large wood burner that will keep you cosy on cold days and coffee and tea facilities are available at no extra cost from the Centre's large kitchen close by.
Marae-style accommodation is offered in this room at an extra fee per person.
Other Services include:
Free advertisement for your workshop, class or public event on all of Riverside's online platforms
Wheelchair access to toilets & shower
Catering available by arrangement
Riverside Hostel located right next to the centre
Riverside Cafe down the path

For all inquiries and bookings, please contact Barbie:
03 526 7033 ext.726
or 021 062 2322