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Get Involved As Stall Holder

Thank you for your interest in participating as a stall holder at Riverside Community Trust's unique festival!


This year’s Festival is dedicated to environmental care and individuals' part in looking after our planet. The goal is to get one another thinking and learning while celebrating groups and actions who are already addressing the Climate Emergency in creative and positive ways. Riverside Music Festival does not want to dwell in some fatalistic doomsday mood, but instead showcase how community spirit, creativity and conscious choices can positively alter the future of our planet and children.


Riverside Community Trust would like festival stall holders to share in the spirit of raising awareness on the environmental status quo and in building community support for changing the future. 

INFORMATION for stall holders selling LOCAL ART & CRAFT:  The festival has limited spaces for people selling predominantly locally produced art and craft and other unique products.  Riverside is therefor looking for vendors who are offering items that add to the range of choices in buying or exchanging sustainabely sourced and crafted products or any other things that offer interesting options for sustainable living. (Please no plastic or green washed packaging.)


INFORMATION for stall holders selling FOOD & DRINKS: What people eat, where it comes from and how it was produced has a major impact on human health and well-being but also on the environment. Food Stalls should offer festival-goers a variety of healthy, locally produced and sustainably sourced food and drinks which can cater for diverse dietary requirements. 


Riverside Trust encourages each vendor - as part of their set-up -  to publish their own story and to share information on their products which encourages constructive Climate Emergency dialogues.  This also provides a great chance for stallholders to promote their business. 

This is a Zero Waste event and Riverside Trust Board asks all stallholders to refrain from bringing disposable AND compostable items. Re-usable cups, plates and cutlery are fine. There will be a dish-washing station on site where people can also loan dishes for the day.

If you are selling items in cans or bottles please take the empty ones away with you. 


The Festival is on Sunday, 16th of February in the Riverside Oval, Riverside Community, 289 Main Road Lower Moutere.

The festival kicks off at 12 midday.

Please set up by 11am, if you can’t make that time let us know so we can arrange a site.

Please fill out the form below. For more info, please contact Verena on  021 144 9513.

The basic charge for a site is 10% of your takings.

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Riverside Community Trust is a registered charity with the New Zealand Charities Commission (CC27600).

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© 2024 Riverside Community Trust Board, Nelson, New Zealand | Site by DaisyC

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